Brand New Day for Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute at UGA

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Monday, August 12th, 2024

A longtime training program for elected officials and managers for cities across the state has a fresh look thanks to brand experts from the University of Georgia Carl Vinson Institute of Government.

The new brand of the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute was unveiled during the recent annual Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) convention in Savannah. Established in 1981 as a training partnership between the UGA Institute of Government and GMA, the Holtz Municipal Training Institute provides comprehensive training in municipal-related matters to enhance the knowledge and skills of Georgia’s city officials.

“For elected officials who take the training, this bold new identity shows they are part of something important. It makes a difference when you can put on a badge that shows you’re participating in professional training from the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government,” said James Eubanks, chair of the Municipal Training Board and mayor of Pelham.

Linda J. Davis, a city council member from Fairburn, is one of thousands of public servants to see the value of the training institute, which she said is instrumental in acclimating individuals who enter public office from the private sector.

“The UGA Institute of Government and the Municipal Training Board are right on point about designing relevant coursework to help public officials leverage their skills. The training provides best practices and opportunities for peer-to-peer collaboration that helps transform cities,” she said.

As chair of the Municipal Training Board Outreach Committee, Davis worked closely with Kaitlin Messich, the Institute of Government’s branding expert, on the rebranding.

“Kaitlin did a phenomenal job. I have to give kudos to the committee; everybody played their role, it was like iron sharpening iron, and the result is priceless,” she said.

The brand identity intends to celebrate the uniqueness and distinction of the university’s partnership with GMA and help unify and enhance the work of the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute.

Bill Thornton, GMA deputy executive director, has seen the program evolve over its 43-year history and attributes its strong foundation to its namesake, who managed training programs for the UGA Institute of Government from 1965 to 1988.

“This program wouldn’t be what it is without Harold Holtz. Over the years, he worked closely with three executive directors of our association to build it. He saw the value and potential of a partnership, and there’s no other like it in the country,” Thornton said.

The Holtz Municipal Training Institute is distinguished nationwide for its advanced training opportunities in intergovernmental relations, leadership development, public safety, quality of life, and revenue and finance. Municipal elected officials and city managers hone their leadership skills through courses beyond state-mandated training at events throughout the year.

“Enlightened leaders understand their role is more than just the day-to-day delivery services, it’s about helping solve community issues. Through this training, they learn how to convene community stakeholders and tackle particular issues to improve quality of life,” Thornton said.

Cultivating community-minded leaders aligns with the university’s overall public service and outreach mission to serve the state of Georgia.

“We are committed to supporting Georgia’s more than 3,500 municipal officials through both professional services and continuing education,” said Rob Gordon, director of the Institute of Government. “We are proud of our partnership with GMA and appreciate the hard work of the Municipal Training Board as we all work together to provide the highest quality and most relevant and useful training to our city leaders.”