Jamie Boswell Elected as Vice Chair of the State Transportation Board

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024

Jamie Boswell, Georgia's 10th Congressional District representative, was elected vice chair of the State Transportation Board (STB) of Georgia at its monthly board meeting on Thursday, August 15. Joining him as newly elected leaders are Ann R. Purcell as chairwoman and Dennis McEntire as secretary. The new positions are effective immediately. Board elections are held annually to ensure all regions of the state are represented at the executive leadership level. 

“I have been on the State Transportation Board of Georgia since 2013," said Vice Chair Boswell. “I am extremely proud of the work my colleagues and I have done to help grow Georgia's infrastructure but there is more work to do, and my position as vice chair will allow me to better serve and meet the transportation needs of the people of Georgia."

Secretary Boswell is a graduate of the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business with a major in real estate. He also attended Georgia Tech and is president and owner of the Boswell Group, which includes insurance, real estate and appraisal companies. Boswell has previously held the roles of chair, vice chair and secretary.